Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Adobe InDesign vertical & horizontal guides

Simultaneously draw out vertical & horizontal ruler guides

Hold down (MAC) Command or (PC) Control at the same time as dragging from the zero guides.

DTP layout training queries to or pop a question into the comments section of this page

Thursday, October 18, 2007

IT Training

IT Training for writers

One to one customised computer training

We provide IT Training from Word to PhotoShop, Quark to InDesign, Acrobat to Excel, Illustrator to Freehand and more.

Or a mix and match - perhaps Quark and PhotoShop or InDesign and PhotoShop.

If the software of your choice isn’t featured above drop an email to to find out more about our DTP and IT Training.

Word 2007 cover page

Word 2007 built-in cover page

One of Word 2007’s newest features is ‘Cover Pages'.

With few clicks of the mouse you can apply a preformatted cover page into any Word document.

To do this:

Click on the Insert ribbon

In the Pages tab select ‘Cover Page’

In the Page gallery select a design to insert as the first page of the document(drawing tools ribbon lets you customise the overall page look)

Find out how to design your own cover pages and self publishing materials with Microsoft Word by emailing for more information

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

InDesign display settings

InDesign high quality display

When images are inserted into InDesign quite often they look jagged and out of focus but after editing and perfecting the image in PShop you know the appearance is wrong.

So why does it look so gross?

Because InDesign has its own default view setting.

To see the image as it really is:

Go to the ‘Object’ menu and scroll down to ‘Display Setting’

From the drop down list select ‘High Quality Display’

In 99.1% of cases this should fix the problem.

For InDesign training individually designed around your needs email

Friday, October 5, 2007

InDesign to JPEG

Exporting an InDesign document to JPEG

The quickest way to convert an InDesign document to a JPEG (or other file format for that matter) is to go to:

File menu> Export

(or press (PC) Control + E (MAC) Command + E)

Name the document

Click on the downward facing arrow next to ‘Save as Type’

Choose ‘JPEG’ as the file extension

Hit the ‘Save’ button and JOB DONE

Looking to write that book - use InDesign for formatting - drop an email to for InDesign training information.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Self publishing books

It seems unless you have a name, a well known name incidentally, your chances of getting published in the traditional way are becoming more difficult.

Change your name? Impractical and probably sueable in this day and age.

(Did I spell sueable correctly - uh huh - suppose one of my brain cells just up and died)

What is happening?

Primarily the whole of our social infrastructure has changed and radically especially for those shall we say over 21, classed today as OAPs. Getting a foot in any door is proving more and more difficult, including writing!

Much of this is down to technology - what can we do about it?

If you can't beat 'em join 'em. Writing is just the first stage of a long process and it is possible to take advantage of many of the new ways of writing, designing and promoting your book. The internet can be used for that in many ways.

'My kids are experts on the computer' - a well known and unsubstantiated quote. Kids are good on computers in the same way they are with a mobile. They are also very good as screwing it up as well.

The Kabbula states that no good book can be written until its writer is over forty - I think I would agree - communication skills only ripen with age - and that includes written ones.

So how do writers get themselves noticed these days? By doing things themselves. Take the written word and turn it into a visual feast using DTP software then promote it electronically using the web.

Why are you reading this now? Because I've promoted it electronically.

Drop an email to see how taking training provision in DTP and Web applications can help get your book up and running.

Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word training

Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word one to one training

Whether you prefer to use InDesign or Word for your writing I can show you how to cosmetically enhance your self publishing ventures.

Why not drop me an email to find out how I can help that book look far better and enhance your DTP skills for all your writing projects in the future.