Sunday, September 30, 2007

Writing a book

Writing a book - Book Design

Following a relaxing and inspiring week long break in Devon the blog resumes with news of special offers to writers.

Self publishing? Give your book a fair chance in a competitive marketplace.

Do you want that book to look professional as well written?

Whatever your writing skills - DTP skills will be needed to give it a dynamic visual skills in todays market.

Make sure it not only looks good but also works.

Attention is needed to

Table of Contents - is it correctly updated?

Formatting styles - are they consistent?

Index - does it actually work? Is everything included?

Images - do they do that book justice?

To get the look of the book just right - spend a day honing your DTP / Design skills with one to one training during October with Greta.

Remember this month all training is on special offer.

Contact me at

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